IPFA Fall Clinic 2015

The IPFA was honored to have Mark Caldwell, FWCF, travel from England to Iowa for our Fall Clinic October 10-11, 2015.  Mark presented an outstandingly informative “Back to Basics” clinic, with the help of his Veterinarian colleague Miguel Paricio.  Their entertaining and interactive presentations were packed with knowledge that they were more than happy to share. The IPFA was very thankful for the gracious support of Iowa State University for allowing us to host the clinic in Doug Russo’s Farrier shop at the college and for the support of the SCAAEP.  The SCAAEP is a group of Veterinary students at ISU who played a big part in planning and participated in the clinic


Dissection Miguel Paricio 10-12-15Caldwell Lecture 10-12-15Caldwell Demo 10-12-15


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